Saturday, August 29, 2015

Kelp Hopper (Isopod)

I won't put you to sleep writing about the particulars of isopods, there is plenty of literature to do that for me, but they do resemble the pill bug (curl into a ball) we played with as kids. However, if you desire a far too overlooked pattern for juvenile coho and chinook salmon- look no further!

The size of isopods vary from minute to 1 1/2-inches within Puget Sound, and though some anglers (including myself) tie patterns in the #10-#16 range, I have had much better results utilizing patterns in #6 or #8.

A quick rule of thumb for choosing a color to fish is simply looking to the water.  Use various shades of brown to brownish red in areas of kelp and shades of olive to brownish olive patterns in vicinity of eel grass or rockweed. 

The best news.... if you can tie a freshwater scud pattern you are in business in short order!  Not to mention, with a few quick colors changes you'll have a back amphipod imitation!


Hook:    Gamakatsu SC15 (Size 6 or 8)(Size 6 pictured)
Thread:  Color to match body
Body:  Various shades of olive to brown to reddish brown.  I mix olive Mr. Peacock (spectrumize) Dubbing and Arizona Peacock dubbing to produce many vivid shades of the aforementioned colors
Shellback:  Mirage Flashabou coated with Clear Cure Goo or Liquid Fusion.

Step 1:

Start thread just behind the eye and wind to the bend stopping at the barb.

Step 2:

Tie in Mirage shellback in the normal manner.

Pull tinsel forward and tie off behind eye.

Wind thread back to the bend of the hook.

Step 3:

Apply dubbing to the thread.

Wind forward stopping short of the eye.  Pull excessive material back to the rear and make a wrap or two.  This will aid in fiber management.

Step 4:

Bring Mirage tinsel back over the body.

Wrap thread over shellback in even segments.

Whip finish and cut thread.  Cut Mirage leaving a small amount.

Step 5:

Apply a small amount of Clear Cure Goo over the shellback.  With a bodkin, pick out fibers to create legs.

Ready to fish!

These patterns are best fish with very quick 1-inch strips in a stop and go fashon.


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