Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Olive Oyl

Skinny from the head to toe—just like the cartoon character—that's Olive Oyl.  Even Popeye loves this fly!

There's a lot to love about this fly.  The tail possesses a nice iridescence that matches the Ice Dubbing, a skinny body has been over wrapped with a translucent material, The UV wing is a wonderful trigger/target for fish to home in on and a bead to get down fast!   


Hook: Daiichi 1120 (or any curved nymph hook), sizes 12-20
Bead:  Choice
Thread: UTC 70, olive
Tail:  Iridescent green peacock breast feather fibers
Ribbing:  Very fine round gold
Body:  Thread over wrapped with olive Frostbite
Wing:  Troutmen Flashy Fiber, ice blue
Thorax:  Ice Dubbing, black peacock

Step 1:

Pinch barb.  Place bead on hook and secure in vise.  Start thread behind bead and wind to stopping point pictured.

Step 2:

Tie in ribbing and secure with evening wraps to the position pictured. 

Step 3:

Select 3 to 5 iridescent peacock breast feather fibers and tie in.  Wind forward with flat wraps of thread.  Tail length is approximately one hook gap.  Remove butt ends.

Step 4:

Tie in two strands of Frostbite,

Step 4A:

Make even wraps to the tail and then back to the behind the bead. This will give the body a shiny appearance.

Step 5:

Wind ribbing forward in even segmented wraps to behind the bead.

Step 6:

Tie in a single strand of Flashy Fiber as pictured.  Note the position of thread in the above step.  It is located directly behind the bead.  Thread should be at the end of the thorax after tying in.

Step 6A:

Bring forward strand back over the body and secure.  Cut strands even with the end of the body:

Step 7:

Dub a thorax of Ice Dubbing.  Whip finish.  Just add water..


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