Saturday, October 17, 2015

Black Gold Soft Hackle

Do you have waters that you fish where carrying nondescript or generic flies are a prerequisite?  I can think of a few waters where the fish take these flies with wreckless abandonment even though there's plenty of bugs to keep them fat, dumb, and happy.

Give this soft hackle a shot!


Hook:  Daiichi 1150 (or TMC 2499SPBL), sizes 10-16
Beads:  Transparent gold with gold lining.  Size is dependent upon hook.
Thread:  8/0 black
Tail:  Black hen 
Rib:  Fine gold
Body:  Thread
Thorax:  Two gold glass beads and Ice Dubbing, peacock black
Hackle:  Black hen

Step 1:

Pinch barb with vise.  Place beads on hook.  Secure hook and start thread just forward of the hook point.

Step 2:

Select 4 to 6 hen hackle fibers.  Align tips by drawing them 90-degrees from the stem and remove. Tie in to the top of the hook shank and take a few flat turns of thread. Tail length is approximately one hook gap.

Step 2a:

Tie in ribbing with flat wraps of thread and advance thread to position shown.

Step 3:

Build a tapered thread body.  Keep body thin.  Check is see if rear bead will hold firmly in place by pushing it back over thread wraps.

Step 4:

Wind ribbing forward in even segments.  Check rear bead again.  If the bead fits snug, make a two or three turn whip finish and move beads back towards the eye.  Rear edge of bead should be inline with hook point.  (Doesn't need to be perfect.)

Step 5:

Apply a very small drop of super glue to the area the beads will rest.  Maneuver beads in to place.

Step 6:

Reattach thread forward of the beads.

Step 7:

Dub a small amount of Ice Dubbing and pick out.

Step 8:

Prep hen feather by removing one side of the fibers.  Tie in by the tip.

Step 8a:

Take 1 to 3 three wraps, secure and whip finish.  Apply one or two coats of head cement.


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