Sunday, October 4, 2015

Devil's Advocate

Do you want an absolutely deadly leech pattern? This fly has taken numerous trout, largemouth and smallmouth bass, carp and spiny ray species everywhere I have fished!

The Devil's Advocate received it's indoctrination in a place most people wouldn't believe if they saw the event take place themselves.  After a very fishless morning in 25-degree weather using every traditional pattern known to catch fish in these renowned waters, I decided to try something a little off the wall.  I have had great days using Wooly Buggers at this location, especially in white, but this leech pattern, while a little odd, was worth a shot.  What did I have to lose?

I originally designed the Devil's Advocate for the stunted largemouth bass in the lake I once lived on for the coming spring.  But sure enough... the Rocky Ford rainbows attacked the Devil's Advocate with abandonment first.  The rest is, as the old saying goes... history!


Hook:  TMC 200BL (or any curved nymph hook), sizes 4-10
Thread: 6/0 Black (or color of tail/collar)
Tail:  Rabbit strip
Rear collar:  Rabbit spun in a dubbing loop
Body:  Veevus iridescent thread or thread built up in a taper and covered with Clear Cure Goo, epoxy or Liquid Fusion.  (Glitter may be added.) 

Step 1:

Place hook in vise.  Start thread approximately one eye length behind eye and wind rearward to position pictured.  

Step 2:

Tie in rabbit strip. The hide portion of the strip should equal approximately one half of the hook shank. 

Step 3:

Make a dubbing loop and wax thread.  Apply hair in loop and cut butt ends close to thread.  Butt ends should be tapped slightly with finger to align hair closer to thread.

Step 3a:

Spin hair to form chenille-like rope.  Wet and draw fiber rearward while winding hair 3 to 5 wraps in close tight turns.  Build a slight thread taper as shown.  Whip finish.

Length of collar is a personal choice, but I prefer approximately half a tail length.  This will add a beautiful action to the fly.

Step 4:

Start iridescent thread approximately mid body.

Step 4a:

Build a slight taper over the hook shank.  Whip finish behind eye.

Step 5

Apply a thin coat of Clear Cure Goo (thin or hydro) over the thread taper and zap with UV torch (light).   A second or third coat of UV resin may be desirable.    Finished!

The Devil's Advocate can be tied in numerous colors.  The standard black, purple, olive, and red colors are deadly for lake fishing!  Another idea to mention is the utilization of different size rabbit strips (or squirrel or mink)- not only in length, but magnum or mirco widths according to species targeted and hook size. 

Have fun with this pattern.  It is deadly!


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