Friday, October 9, 2015

Rubber Leg Biot Bug

The Rubber Leg Biot Bug is intended to imitate stonefly nymphs in the 3/4-inch to 1-inch range. With a couple of color changes in the body and thorax an angler can cover any species of stonefly for their given waters.

The antenna is optional, but most tiers will add them to the pattern.  In order to achieve this the bead is moved to the rear of the hook and then the antenna are tied in place.  The bead is then returned to the eye.  The fly is then tied in the normal manner.  Since most of my fishing involves faster pocket water, I generally elect to dismiss the added tying step.


Hook:  Daichi 1260 (or any 3xl nymph hook), sizes 8-12 (Size 8 pictured), weight to suit
Antenna: Optional
Bead:  Choice (Gold 1/8-inch tungsten pictured)
Thread: 6/0 color matched to body/thorax
Rib:  Copper wire
Body:  Any dubbing.  (Peacock black Ice Dubbing pictured)
Sides:  Black goose biot
Wing case:  6-strands of rubber leg material
Thorax:  Same dubbing material as body
Legs:  Wing case material drawn over thorax and separated.

Step 1:

Pinch barb with vise.   Add bead to hook and secure in vise.  If desired, additional weight can be added.  Pictured is 8-wraps of .025 lead free wire.

Step 2:

Start thread behind lead wraps and tie in ribbing.  Build a thread taper.

Step 3:

Here's a great dubbing technique for tight, solid bodies (material dependent) or the noodle (segmented) look for natural furs.

Evenly apply dubbing to thread.

Step 3a:

Draw additional thread from spool and form a dubbing loop and advance thread forward.

Step 3b:

Twist dubbing loop.

Step 3c:

Wind dubbing forward to the 65-70 percent point.

Step 4:

Tie in goose biots one at a time even with the body.   Ensure tips are even as well as curve out and away.

Step 5:

Wind ribbing forward in even segments.  I prefer to take the first turn to the body.  This keeps the biots from collapsing together on the first turn. Biots should  ride evenly along the side of the body.

Step 6:

Tie in six strands of rubber leg material for the wing case at the 60-65 percent point.

Step 7:

Dub thorax.  Do not crowd the bead area.

Step 8:

Pull wing case/rubber legs over the top of thorax and secure.  Note thread base between thorax and bead.  Trim legs to 2/3 body length.

Step 9:

Add a little dubbing to thread and fill the void between legs and bead.  Apply head cement or super glue to the first inch of thread and whip finish.


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