Thursday, December 31, 2015

California Here We Come!

My gal has really pressed me hard to pick up and move to a warmer climate for some time.  I wasn't quite ready to give up 45-years of living in Washington State however, having made a promise to her "I would strongly consider it depending on the outcome of the [2014/2015] fishing season."   You might be thinking how does the outcome of a fishing season dictate moving out of state?  One does not simply move out of state, do they?

I deleted eight anger-filled yet wonderfully written paragraphs about the immediate crisis facing Washington's native and anadromous fish to answer the aforementioned question before jotting this down. Fearing someone, whether federal or state entity, commercial fisherman, indigenous tribal member or sport angler wouldn't appreciate my comments (I was name calling), I decided to come back down to earth..  But think for a minute how the above entities, all who think they have the answers and fighting for their cause, some protected by indigenous rights and all managed at the state and federal level...  Good grief!

Yes folks, it is that bad.  Many sport anglers have totally given up; however, some are making a stand by calling for the boycotting of fishing license purchases and/or hooking up the boat and convoying slowly down a major interstate to the capital and consuming city parking.

Being a native Californian, I am looking forward to returning to the great rivers on the Lost Coast as well as the upper Sacramento, Yuba, Feather, Mad, American, and Walker to name a few. New adventures with striped bass, large and smallmouth bass, bluegill, crappie and carp on the fly rod all await.   I no longer have Uncle Sam to station me on a tiny island in the bay (Treasure Island) nor take vacation to visit the family and the places so near and dear to my heart.

The picture in the upper right hand corner is 40-some years of fly tying material packed floor to ceiling.  I expect to break it out the first week of February to start tying and chasing fins from Sacramento to the Oregon/California border.  You should start seeing more to the blog than just tying!  Perhaps I'll be a part time guide again and live the good life of fishing everyday.

Well, the gal got her way.. California, here we come!

Happy New Year

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