Sunday, December 11, 2016

Haight-Ashbury Midge


(1)  Good pattern to offer on hard pressed waters and fish or freshly stocked rainbows.
(2)  The ultra violet Krystal Flash coupled with the holographic properties of Sulky offer depth and dimension in the body as well as a highly visible target.
(3)  The body is formed by twisting Hend's UV Purple Krystal Flash and Sulky Holoshimmer in Light Copper (#6011) and Cranberry (#6055)
(4)  The thorax is formed with a medium tension dubbing loop.  Once spun and wrapped the hair is brought forward of the bead and then pinched-pulled to length.  Should look similar to wrapped ostrich herl when completed.
(4)  Definitely worth while to tie this pattern in brighter or drab color combinations and larger sizes which may imitate caddis.


Hook:  Daiichi 1140, 1150 or any curve scud style hook.  Sizes 12-20
Bead:  15/0 Japanese Tohu glass.  Transparent/silver lining
Thread:  UTC 70 or choice, black
Body:  Hend's UV Purple Krystal Flash, Sulky Holoshimmer light copper (#6011) and cranberry (#6055) twisted tightly.
Wing:  Glitter Thread, pearl (2-strands) unraveled
Thorax:  Muskrat dyed black mixed with Sybai Fine Flash, black.

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