Sunday, December 18, 2016

JAB's Hot Wings (Pink)

Let's tie another fly with an interesting trigger feature!  

Body Quill hasn't been on the market too long, but I have already found a few uses for it.  On my "Hot Wings" patterns I've incorporated into the butt; which, replaces Frostbite and Antron for the wing(s).

In addition to the fluorescent pink other "hot" colors are available:  chartreuse, orange and yellow.  They're all phenomenal!  I strongly recommend giving them a go.


Hook:  Daiichi 1150 (Size 18 pictured) or any curved scud hook (Sizes 16 to 24)
Bead:  15/0 Japanese glass Tohu, transparent/silver lined
Thread:  Benecchi 12/0 Black
Butt:  Veevus Quill Body, Hot Pink
Body:  Veevus Quill Body, Black
Ribbing:  Hends Silver, .09mm
Hot Wing:  Microfilaments from hot pink Quill Body
Thorax:  Super Fine, Black

Step 1:

Flatten barb with vise.  Add 15/0 bead and secure in vise.

Step 2

Start/secure thread with 5 or 6 wraps.

Step 3:

Remove 8 to 10 inches of hot pink Body Quill from spool.  Unravel and separate the main mylar and two microfilaments by applying ing mild pressure to Body Quill at the midway point of the strand and draw the material through your thumb and index finger.  Once separated lay the microfilaments to the side.

Take pink mylar and secure to the top of the shank.  The best way to do this without taking a lot of thread wraps is simply drawing the mylar underneath the hook and bring material up and over the over shank twice then take one wrap of thread.

Step 3A:

Wrap Body Quill rearward into the bend of the hook as pictured.  Try to lay the wraps side-by-side without overlapping.  Return to the bead area.  Remove waste ends.

Step 4:

Remove 4 to 6 inches of silver ribbing material.  Secure as step 3.

Step 4A:

Remove 8 to 10 inches of black Quill Body.  Secure as step 3.

Step 4B:

Wrap black Body Quill to the rear of the hook leaving a small tag of hot pink Body Quill showing and return to the bead area.  As you wrap rearward keep ribbing parallel with hook shank. Remove waste ends.

Step 5:

Wind ribbing forward and secure.  I keep the ribbing narrow at 6 to 7 wraps.

Step 6:

Fold over hot pink microfilaments and cut one or both ends for flush ends.  Place microfilaments on top the the hook shank and secured with 2 or 3 firm thread wraps.  You should have four microfilaments on either side of securing point as shown.

Step 6A:

Apply a little pressure to the bobbin tightening previous thread wraps.  Grab the forward microfilaments and bring back over the fly.  Make 3 good securing wraps of thread.  Do not clip wing.

Step 7:

Dub a small thorax of Super Fine.  Whip finish.  Cut wing to 3/4 body length.  Finished!


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