Sunday, January 1, 2017

Czech Jig #1


(1)  Color of the tail is interchangeable.  Due to their brightness I refer to these tails as "tickle tails." Try red, chartreuse, fluorescent orange, etc.  Keep them on the short side.  Longer tails often result in short or missed strikes.
(2)  The shaggier the body - the better!
(3)  Keep the hackle on the light side.  Just one or two turns is plenty.
(4)  This pattern really shines with plenty of cased caddis in the river.  I really like the hot orange tail in the late summer/early fall coinciding with October caddis activity.  Chartreuse is good year around.
(5)  If you're not losing flies, you're not fishing deep enough!  Tie them by the dozen.


Hook:  Hanak 450BL, Sizes 10-16.  (Size 16 pictured)
Bead:   2.0mm Slotted Tungsten, Copper
Thread:  10/0 Veevus, Brown
Tail:  Glo-Brite Floss,  #6 Hot Orange
Body:  Ice Dubbing, Peacock
Hackle:  Hen, Brown


  1. No problem with hookups? Short shank looks like it narrows gap between bead/eye and hook point. Still looks nice.


    1. Hi Keith,

      It appears camera angle may be the culprit. I am very persnickety about the gap distance between the bead and hook point. It is the very reason I use the Daiichi 1140, 1150 or 1250 hooks for my midges.

      Happy New Year!

