Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Green Manalishi


(1)  Awesome attractor pattern in rivers with a large population of hydropsyche caddis despite chartreuse tail and dark/deep green body.
(2)  Fish in faster riffles and runs.  Sizes 14 and 16 are standard.  Carry this pattern with the bead one size larger than normal for spring runoff fishing.
(3)  Body can be wrapped thick or thin.   A thin body seems to be more productive. 
(4)  The fly is started and tail is tied in with wraps of Glitter Thread.  Apply one or two half hitches upon completion of body.  Once body is coated/cured with UV resin olive thread is started directly behind bead.  Use caution around tail area.  The UV resin will travel if it comes in to contact with tail.
(5)  Tie tail a little longer than normal.  You may have to cut it back slightly streamside to avoid material from wrapping around hook shank.
(6)  Thorax is a mixture of three materials.  Pick out heavily once fly is complete.  This is a beautiful color effect!


Hook:  Hanak H400BL Sizes 12-16
Bead:  Slotted Tungsten, Nickle Black (size appropriate)
Thread:  12/0 Benecchi, Olive
Tail:  Glo-Brite #11 Chartreuse
Body:  Glitter Thread,  #29 Dark Green
Thorax:  50% Ice Dubbing Olive, 25% Sybai Fine Flash Dark Brown Peacock, 25% Sybai Fine Flash UV

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