Sunday, January 8, 2017

JAB's Rock Bottom


(1)  Here is California it is unlawful to utilize the drop shot method of nymphing.  To get around this we simply tie on a sacrificial jig and run two additional flies above.
(2)  These flies should be extremely quick and simple to tie.  The idea get to the bottom quickly and present a tandem team of nymphs in the zone.  You will lose jigs so don't worry about looks!
(3)  I have seen some the of ugliest flies yet they do catch fish occasionally.  Again, the point of this fly is to get the other fly(ies) in the zone.  Some anglers here call them "Zit flies" because you "pop a few off" the end of the leader.
(4)  My secret has been tying them buggy in natural colors yet abstract with bright tails or collars.
(5)  When resorting to tactic like this... we've hit "Rock Bottom."


Hook:  Hanak H450BL, Sizes 10-14 (Size 12 pictured)
Bead:  Size appropriate black tungsten
Thread:  UTC 70 Black
Tail:  Goose biots, chartreuse
Body:  Squirrel dye black and mixed with pearl blue Ice Dubbing or Fine Flash ultraviolet spun in a dubbing loop.

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