Monday, February 6, 2017

Flashabou Caddis


(1)  This pattern was taken from the groundbreaking book, Flies, The Best One Thousand, Randle Scott Stetzer (1992).  The originator is Greg Carrier.
(2)  I started tying this particular pattern as one of my "guide flies" not only for it's simplistic recipe, but also it's effectiveness.  It is also one the of patterns I have constantly tinkered with over the years. You'll find the original materials effective (medium olive color rabbit for the body and small gold wire ribbing), but these materials became boring rather quickly with the market being flooding with new synthetics over the years- especially the ultra violet side.  Find a dubbing that fits your liking and coloration for local waters and you'll be in business!
(3)  I've tried various winging materials, but nothing seems to beat the effectiveness of normal Flashabou.
(4)  The Flashabou Caddis is a great dropper pattern.  Where this pattern really shines is in the presentation.  Cast quartering upstream and allowing your presentation to finish swinging downstream is the most effective technique I have found.  You'll find most of your strikes come as the flies are three quarters or more though the drift.  This only makes perfect sense as your dropper rises to the surface imitating an emerging caddis.  The Flashabou aids not only as a target/trigger to the fish, but the aids in movement as current pushes over and around this stiffer winging material


Hooks:  (Pictured) Fulling Mill Czech Nymph, size 14.  Any standard nymph hook is acceptable.
Thread:  UTC 70, brown
Ribbing:  Largartun small oval, gold. (Originally small gold wire.) (I like more flash!)
Body:  Sybai's Fine Flash UV, olive slightly picked out
Wing:  Pearl Flashabou.  2-strands tied in and folded back over the body and clipped before the end of the body
Thorax/Head:  UV2 Caddis Nymph, dark brown heavily picked out and brushed rearward.

Flashabou Caddis, Euro Nymph, Czech Nymph, Sybai Fine Flash

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