Tuesday, February 28, 2017

(Nameless) Caddis Emerger

I sat down the other evening to tie a few Classified Caddis patterns.   Out came the dubbing block, carpet scrapes from the new house and the coffee grinder.   Before I fully got set up I was called away by the damsel in distress...  Then the gal needed me to help get some things from a top shelf in the kitchen.   After my daring rescue I have no clue how I ended up with this pattern, but it certainly looks like a winner and I have no doubt it is going to perform well.

This caddis is reminiscent of a few patterns, but somehow came out with elements of several combined by happenstance.  Let me start out by mentioning I like my most of my caddis patterns buggy.  This one is no exception.  Not only does a shaggy appearance offer exceptional light refraction, transparency, but it offers the illusion of movement and life.  The (Nameless) has both a shuck and the body veiled by 100-precent Antron trilobal material to simulate the gas bubble.  The partridge would have normally been added for wing buds alongside the body, but ended up over the top of the body.  Perfect for emergers or possibly spent caddisflies!

I have feeling this pattern is going to spend a lot of time being fished downstream on my way back to the rig!


Hook:  TMC 2499 SPBL, Sizes 8 to 18.  (Size 14 pictured.)
Thread:  UTC 70, Yellow (Body).  Finish with UTC 70, Brown
Shuck:  Nature's Spirit Emergence Dubbing, mixed amber (#70) and tan (#42).
Body:  UTC 70, Yellow.  Build up the familiar caddis shape for the body.  The thread is returned rearwards, split the thread and add dubbing, spin tightly an wound forward as a rib. The "rib" can be close together or slightly apart, but allow the body to show through.  Comb rearwards.
Wing:  Two partridge feathers, One on top of another.  
Thorax:  Spirit River UV2 Caddis Nymph dubbing, dark brown.

Spent Caddis, Caddis Patterns, Caddisflies, Spirit River, Nature's Spirit

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