Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Flies Of Yesteryear: A.P. Black

The late Andre "Andy" Puyans devised a series of seven nymphs in the early 1960's that will remain a staple for generations to come.  He laid emphasis on the shape, color and size of his nymphs as well as the importance of natural aquatic furs (beaver and muskrat) for texture.  He also dubbed a small head of fur to mimic the prominent heads he noted on nymphs.  This dubbing also covers the bump of thread formed by securing the moose hair and the legs rearward.  

The A.P. (All Purpose) series seems pretty straight-forward, but the technique Andy devised to tie his nymphs is absolutely sheer brilliance.   The tail, wingcase and legs are from the same clump of moose body hair.  Perhaps I should have done a step-by-step of the tying procedures...

Tying Notes:

(1)  The fly is weighted with 7 or 8 turns of lead wire in the thorax area.  The lead wire size is generally .015 for larger flies and .010 for smaller flies.
(2)  Clip approximately 12 to 15 fibers of dark moose body from the skin.  Measure the tail to about the length of the body and tie in immediately behind the thorax.  Secure with a few wraps rearward. Cut a few fibers so you 5 to 8 fibers remaining for the tail.  Do not clip forward portion of moose hair.  The remaining hair will be used for the wingcase and legs.
(3)  Tie in small copper wire.  Secure wire and tail material rearward.
(4)  Lightly apply dyed black beaver dubbing and wind forward to approximately the 60-percent mark.
(5)  Wind ribbing forward and secure forward of the wingcase hairs.
(6)  Apply black beaver dubbing and complete the thorax.
(7)  Bring wingcase forward and secure tightly with a few wraps.  Draw three fibers from each side of the wingcase and secure rearward.  Cut remaining forward pointing hairs.
(8)  Dub a small amount dyed beaver over the thread wraps for the head and then cut the legs to a length to just behind the wingcase
(9)  Whip finish.


Hook:  Any standard length nymph hook
Thread:  6/0 or 8/0
Tail:  Dark moose body hair
Ribbing:  Small cooper wire
Body:  Dyed black beaver fur
Wingcase:  Dark moose body hair
Thorax:  Same as body
Legs:  Same as wingcase
Head:  Same as body and thorax.

Andre Puyans, A.P. Black Nymph, Andre Puyans' Nymphs

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