Friday, April 21, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #28

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#28  Floss Tail, Hare's Ear Ribbing and Deer Hair/Hare's ear Collar

Hook:  Firehole 839 or any 3XL hook, sizes 8-16 (size 10 pictured)
Bead:  4.0MM tungsten, light coffee
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail:  Glo-brite floss, fl. fire orange #5
Rib:  (1) Spiky hare's ear (natural dark) in a dubbing loop (2) UTC Ultrawire, small gold counterwrapped.
Body:  Sulky, metallic light copper #6011
Collar/Thorax:  Mixture natural and brown hare's ear, black and dark brown deer hair and Artic Frost, brown.  Deer hair should be on the heavy side.
Hotspot:  UTC 70, fl. fire orange


(1)  Excellent pocket water fly!  One bead size larger than normal is appropriate.
(2)  Wrap body smooth and flat with UTC 70.  Once tail is tied in make a dubbing loop and tie off at the tail.  Tie in gold wire.  Next double Sulky and wrap body.  Place spiky hare's in dubbing loop. Place more hair at the bottom of the loop to help form the collar.  Wrap as a ribbing. Brush out. Counterwrap with gold wire
(3)  The collar is formed with a dubbing loop.  Lean heavy on the deer hair.  Well picked out.

Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear, Glo-brite Floss, Firehole Hooks Hare's Ear. Hare's Mask

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