Sunday, April 30, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #37

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#37  Anderson's Rubber Leg Stone (Variant)

Hook:  TMC 200R, sizes 6-12 (Size 8 pictured)
Bead:  Size is dictated by size and style of hook (3.5mm coffee colored tungsten pictured)
Weight;  Strips of .030 lead tied parallel to the shank
Thread: Start with UTC 140, white.  Finish thread is UTC 70, brown
Tail:  Round white rubber, fine or medium (fine pictured)
Body:  DMC embroidery metallic thread #E898 (top) and DMC embroidery floss #842 (bottom) woven
Legs:  Same as tail
Thorax:  Mixture of natural hare's ear, grey squirrel, Sybai Fine Flash, UV, black deer hair and Fine Flash, brown
Feelers:  Same as tail and legs


(1)  George Anderson's original rubber leg stone used woven brown wool (top) and burlap (bottom)
(2)  Weight heavily.  Best fished down bouncing along the stream bed.
(3)  Excellent early season golden stonefly pattern or searching pattern.
(4)  Experiment with different colors- black/orange, olive/chartreuse, gold/yellow.
(5)  Start with white thread to tie in strips of lead, build a slight taper and then to tie in DMC thread/floss.  The thread/floss should be tied in parallel to the shank. Use a brown indelible pen to color the top of the body.  This will keep the white thread from showing through if weave isn't tight.  Brown thread is used to complete thorax and fly.

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