Sunday, May 7, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #44

#44   Skip Nymph


(1)  The Skip Nymph was devised by master tier Skip Morris and designated as a mayfly nymph in the late 1980's.  In small sizes it is a hit.  However, in larger sizes and/or color changes the pattern fishes well for stoneflies, too
(2)  The original is tied with a copper wire ribbing, but I have tied and occasionally use gold wire, as pictured.
(3)   To tie the Skip Nymph:

A)  Place hook of choice in vise
B)  Tie in wire ribbing  and secure with wraps of thread to the end of the body area.
C)  Dub a tapered body of hare's ear and wind forward stopping at the 70-percent mark on the hook shank.
D) Select approximately 12 pheasant tail fibers and align tips.  (Smaller flies will require a less amount).  Remove from stem.
E)  With the tips aligned measure desired tail distance.  Secure pheasant tail fibers on top of the hare's ear with solid wraps of wire.  Secure ribbing in thorax area.  Do not clip forward pointing (over the hook eye) pheasant tail fibers.  These will be used for the wingcase. 
F)  Dub a thorax thicker than the body.
G)  Bring pheasant tail fibers over the top of the hare's ear to form wingcase and secure.
H)  Whip finish and trim thread.
I)   The last step is splaying 3 or 4 fibers tail fibers from each side.  Next is trimming the center fibers away.   You should have a "V" shape remaining.


Hook:  2XL, 3XL or 4XL (Sizes 4-14)  (Pictured is a Firehole 839 size 12)
Weight:  To suit
Bead:  Optional
Thread:  6/0 or 8/0.  Dark brown or black
Tail/Shellback/Wingcase:  Pheasant tail fibers used a continuous piece.
Body:  Hare's ear.  Color of choice.  Raked directly from the ear.  
Ribbing: Gold, fine round  Four to eight turns turns.
Thorax:  Hare's ear.  Color of choice.  Raked directly from the ear.

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear, Skip Nymph, Mayfly Nymph Patterns, Searching Patterns, Stonefly Patterns, Trout Patterns, Firehole Hooks, Hare's Ear

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear, Skip Nymph. Mayfly Nymph Patterns, Searching Patterns, Stonefly Patterns, Trout Patterns, Firehole Hooks, Hare's Ea

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