Friday, May 12, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #48

#48    Hare's Ear/Snowshoe Rabbit Emerger


(1)   Another of of my favorite patterns that I've played around with over the years and consider it a great guide fly.  This particular pattern has a very unique body of gold wire,  Mirage Krystal Flash (Midge) (Opal) and a minute amount of hare's ear twisted together to form the body.
(2)  Various colors of hare's ear and Krystal Flash can be experimented with.  It's hard to beat natural hare's ear with either pearl Krystal or the Mirage (Opal).  Olive hare's ear works wonders for my local hatch of Little Weedy Western Water Sedge in small sizes (16-20).  Another "must" is a body of insect green to imitate rhyachophila caddis.
(2)   To achieve the proper "flash" and proportions first wax the thread.   Second, start applying very minute amounts of dubbing approximately 1.5-inches down the thread from the hook in a taper.  After the dubbing has been applied bring the thread back to the shank and form a dubbing loop.  Bring Krystal Flash and wire together with the dubbing and twist tightly.   This will give you a tight segmented effect and allow the Krystal Flash and wire to show through the hare's ear.  The first 2 or 3 wraps should be strictly the Krystal Flash and wire before the hare's ear commences up the shank.
(3)  Once the body is wrapped select a grouse or partridge feather and make 3-wraps with the fibers doubled.   Gather approximately 75-percent of the fibers and bunch them on top of the shank and secure.  This will provide a wonderful underwing.  The remaining fibers stay underneath the shank for legs.  In smaller sizes the fibers will have to be removed from the stem of the feather for correct proportions.
(4)  A hefty bunch of  cream snowshoe rabbit is secured on top of the shank for the over wing.  Not only does the showshoe rabbit provide a visible aid to the angler (and fish), but provides wonderful floatation, too.  Snowshoe rabbit comes in various colors, but cream has proven to be "the color."  If you can find fluorescent orange (very tough to find) it is an awesome secondary wing,  Otherwise you'll need to dye it
(5)  The thorax/collar is applied in the split thread method and wound to the eye.  Brush to a very buggy effect and to the rear.
(6)   This emerger will sit in or just under the surface film.  The white wing will provide you the location of the fly.   I recommend applying Albolene to the snowshoe rabbit and collar for extra floatation.
(7)  This is a perfect pattern for shorter upstream casts casts in pocket water or shallow runs.  I also like to cast quarter downstream and work the fly just under the surface.


Hook:   Firehole Emerger 316, sizes 10-18 (Size 12 pictured)
Thread:  6/0 or 8/0.  Tan UTCH 70 pictured.  The head was finished by applying brown indelible ink to the thread.
Body:  Hare's ear.  Color of choice.  Raked directly from the ear.
Underwing/Legs:  Grouse or partridge (brown).
Wing:  Underfur from a snowshoe rabbit, cream
Thorax/Collar:  Hare's ear, natural, Nature's Spirit Emergence dubbing (hare's ear) and Mercer's Buggy Nymph dubbing (dark hare's ear) (Brownish in color.) mixed thoroughly.  Spun in the split thread method.

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear, Hare's Ear Caddis, Hare's Ear Emerger, Firehole hooks, Hare's Ear Nymph, Mirage Krystal Flash, Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear.

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