Thursday, May 25, 2017

Desk Mess Flies: #1

Desk mess flies?  Every so often my tying area becomes an absolute disaster area!  It is amazing how big of a mess I can make and still know exactly where everything rests.  Bits, pieces and clippings of waste hair, fur, flosses, various dubbings, tinsels and half used feathers find themselves in little piles among the masses of packages I should have tucked back into the storage bins as I finished.  Once my short lived procrastination stage is over packages start finding their way back into draws and bins. Underneath these piles and mounds the waste becomes apparent.  Should I used these waste byproducts or simple place it in the trash?

There are quite a few tiers that find a purpose for their tiny scrapes that would have otherwise made it in the "circular file."  I've seen some pretty incredible flies and results.  One memory that will always stick in my mind was meeting a gentleman on the Upper Sacramento River who was catching a tremendous amount of fish.  After watching the gentleman for a half an hour or so I approached him. "What's the secret fly?" I asked.  He mentioned, "Nothing more than a simple black fly."  I had a good look and noticed the black tail fibers, but the body material threw me..  "What's the body?" I asked.  "It is the fluff from the base of a mallard feather" he said and continued with, "The tail and body is from dyed black mallard."  "I don't like to throw anything away so I re-purpose or save it." 

A desk mess can bring out the creativity and well as reduce waste saving money.  Occasionally I get a wild hair (no pun intended) to use the "leftovers."  A lot of the flies show promise and find a dark corner in the fly box until the time comes when fishing is slow.   You'll find that some flies will catch fish while fish laugh at the others.  Sometimes a little tweaking here and there of the original desk mess fly will often produce a solid fly!

Have some fun!

Hook:  Firehole 316, Size 10
Bead:  8/0 Tohu glass, Rainbow Rosaline, Opaque Purple Lining #928
Weight:  Fine tungsten wire
Thread:  Whatever is on the bobbin!
Tail:  Mottled brown hen
Ribbing:  Perdigone ribbing material, UV black
Body:  The dark, short and spikey hair taken directly from the ear of a hare's mask
Thorax/Collar:  Sybai Fine Flash, Black

Flies tied from your mess left on the desk!  Glass beads, hares ear, perdigones, Sybai fly tying materials

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