Saturday, April 21, 2018

Porch Light, Cinnamon (Euro) (Anchor Fly)

What night time insect isn't attracted to a glowing porch light?   This fly pattern attracts the fish... just like flying bugs to a porch light on a warm summer evening!

My Porch Light nymph is a solid anchor fly.  It brings a couple of materials fairly unique to Euro style nymphs to the table.  First, the body is made up of twisted micro Krystal Flash and Sulky.  This unique combination brings a subtle but fiery glow effect- even in low light   As far as the goose....I haven't seen but a handful of Euro style patterns that incorporates biots, but it certainly adds the "bite me" look to any pattern.

Switch out the color combinations of the body and collar!  I tie the Porch Light in black, brown, amber, gold, orange, red, purple as well as iridescent pearl (green) and ultra violet.


Hook:  Fulling Mill Czech Nymph, Sizes 10-16 (Size 14 pictured)
Thread:  UTC 70, Dark Brown
Bead:  Hot Orange (Size appropriate to hook) (2.8mm pictured)
Body:  Strands of micro Krystal Flash (cinnamon) and holographic Sulky (light copper) twisted. (Pictured is 4-strands of Krystal Flash and 2-strands of Sulky double and twisted tightly
Horns:  Goose Biots, white.
Collar:  Jan Siman UV Bronze Peacock dubbing picked out.

Porch Light Pattern, Anchor Fly, Euro Pattern, Fulling Mill, Krystal Flash, Sulky


  1. Looks killer John but where do you get the Sulky?

  2. Thank you for the kind words!

    You can find Sulky here:

