Saturday, September 15, 2018

Ribbon Candy - #15 of 150

Continuing along with simplistic midge patterns....  The Ribbon Candy (name) reminded me of my youth when grandma had bowls of ribbon candy out around the house during the Holiday Season.   I munched on a ton of the sugary goodness until I was wound tighter than a grandfather clock.    

Good change-up pattern for hard fished waters or sluggish fish that need a little different for an offering.

Tying notes:

1.   Thread (body) color is personal choice.  This one of the few midge patterns that I tie in shades of lt. olive to dark.   Black, brown and even red are definitely colors you'll want in the fly box...
2.   If you decided to tie and fish this pattern the ribbing should always be an iridescent or metallic thread in red.  It is a little finer than Flashabou and definitely has more "shine" to it.
3.  Once the body is complete apply a thin layer of UV resin and cure.  


Hook:  TMC 200R or Daiichi 1270, sizes 18-22 (TMC 200R, size 20 pictured)
Bead:  15/0 TOHU glass, red with silver lining.
Thread:  18/0 Nano Silk (black is pictured)
Body:  Thread.color of choice
Ribbing:  Metallic or iridescent threa, red.   Remove the microfilaments,
Thorax:  Sybai's Fine Flash, black.  Keep the thorax narrow and thin

Ribbon Candy, Midge Pattern, Midge Pupa, Nano Silk, Iridescent Thrread, Metallic Thread, Sybai Fine Flash, TMC Hooks, Daiichi Hooks, TOHU Glass Bead

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