Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Twinkle Midge - #12 of 150

Rick Takahashi, co-author of Modern Midges: Tying & Fishing the World's Most Effective Patterns, is the originator of this solid performing midge pattern.   It is one of the few midge patterns that I often tie and fish in several colors for lakes and rivers.   In fact I have one dedicated 12-compartment box of size 22's and a few boxes peppered with size 18s and 20s.  Most of the patterns I tie are standard "midge" colors, but I do play around with white (pearl) Glitter Thread and use indelible ink to get some wild coloration/mottled effects.

What makes the Twinkle Midge so effective?  The key component I feel is the liberal amount of UV resin Takahashi frequently uses to give the pattern a transparent and unique light refraction/reflection in the water.


Hook:  TMC 2487 or 2488 (Sizes 18 to 24) or TMC 2000 (Sizes 18-22) (TMC 200, #22 pictured.)
Thread:  8/0 Uni, white or 18/0 Nano Silk
Body: Glitter Thread, color of choice (Rust pictured.)
Gills:  White (pearl) Glitter Thread.  (I remove the pearlescent strand.  However it may be used.)
Head/Thorax:  Thread.

Tying Notes

1.  For materials Takahashi lists white 8/0 Uni for tying thread which is then colored with indelible ink for head/thorax area.   I like to change it up a little by switching the white Uni for copper colored 18/0 Nano Silk.  I then apply indelible ink in brown or black.   This give a unique mottled look to the finished product, as pictured below.  When using white (pearl Glitter Thread) I utilize white 18/0 Nano Silk.
2.  You may find Glitter Thread a little difficult to work when tying sizes 20-24.  A trick I employ is putting a counter-clockwise twist to cord the material up and then stretching the strand.  Doing so will give you better control over the material creating tighter and more even wraps.  The final result should be a nice tapered body, even and noticeable wraps as well as a wonderful mottled effect.
3.  A single coat of UV resin can be applied.  However, applying a couple coats until you've achieved a slight transparent effect really makes the pattern shine when fished.  This is noticeable under the pattern in the picture.

Twinkle Midge, Glitter Thread, UV Resin, Nano Silk, TMC Hooks

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