Thursday, April 6, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #11 And #12

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#11  Glass Bead and Floss Tail

Hook:  Daiichi 1150, size 14
Weight;  To suit
Bead:  11/0 Japanese Toho glass,  silver-lined emerald green rainbow #2036
Thread: 12/0 Bennechi, dark olive
Tail:  Glo Brite, #11 Lime Green
Ribbing:  2-strands Hends .09MM gold wire and 2-strands Hends .09MM olive wire twisted clockwise.
Body:  Dark olive hare's ear taken from the ear
Thorax/Collar:  Brown hare's ear taken from the cheek mixed with peacock brown Sybai's Fine Flash. and a generous portion of dark brown deer hair dubbing. Picked out well and brushed rearwards. Leave the top portion a little longer than the bottom.


(1)  I've tried several different colored beads and emerald green takes the lead.  I don't know way, but the fish take a liking to it.  I also tie this pattern with a crystal bead/copper lining.
(2)  Glo Brite floss adds another touch of color which provides good contrast against the dark body. Keep the tail short. Quarter body length or shorter.
(3)  Twisting olive wire with the gold has been a great subtle touch that lessens the overall flash.
(4)  Tied in sizes 14-18.  Sizes 16 and 18 will require a 15/0 glass bead as well as scaling the amount of wire for the rib.

#12  Wire/Thread Ribbing, Flashback, Tungsten Bead

Hook:  Daiichi 1150, Size 14
Bead:  2.5MM tunsten, coffee brown
Thread: 12/0 Bennechi, brown
Ribbing:  One strand Hends .09MM gold wire and one strand of UTC 70, chartreuse twisted clockwise.
Flasback:  Veevus pearl tinsel
Body:  Olive hare's ear taken from the ear mixed with Hareline insect green
Thorax/Collar:  Brown hare's ear taken from the check mixed with a slight amount of dark brown deer dubbing and peacock brown Sybai's Fine Flash


(1)  This pattern is a variation of Lawson's Electric Caddis and a great choice for bright days.
(2)  The ribbing is unique in that I've used thread vice chartreuse wire.  If you look closely in the pictures you'll notice that the thread makes up for the majority of the ribbing leaving just enough gold to produce a flash.
(3)  Paerl tinsel is used for the flashback.  I've experimented with various tinsels and Flashabou colors, including UV, and good ol' pearl is by far the best.
(4)  Tied in sizes 14-18.  Bead and flashback will need to be scaled accordingly to size of hook.

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