Friday, April 7, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #13 And #14

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#13  Stonefly - package material for wingcase(s)

Hook:  TMC 200 style or choice, sizes 4 to 12
Weight; Extra weight is optional
Bead:  3.0MM black tungten
Thread: 6/0 Uni-thread, black
Tail:  Goose biots, black
Ribbing:  2-strands gold Sulky metallic thread 2-strands Hends UV Ice Effect, UV violet twisted clockwise
Body:  Black rabbit taken from the cheeks on the mask
Wingcases:  Black packaging material from Sybai's Fine Flash cut into a strip.
Thorax/Collar:  Same as body.  Picked out well and brushed rearwards.
Head: Same as body.  Small amount.


(1)  Very generic stonefly pattern, but still highly effective in faster or pocket water.
(2)  Wrapping/Twisting the UV Krystal Flash with the Sulky is designed to dampen the brightness of the gold and still have color/UV presence on the pattern.
(3)  Pick the body, thorax and head out.  The buggier the better!
(4)  Don't overlook tying a few in natural brown and tan.   Mixing brown and tan (80% tan 20% brown as a starting point) is a killer golden stone color!

#13  Floss dubbing loop and hotspot

Hook:  Firestick 316, size 10 or 12
Weight;  Optional
Bead:  11/0 Japenese Toho bead, silver-lined topaz #22C  or size appropriate gold bead
Thread: 6/0 Uni-thread, brown
Tail:   Rusty brown taken from the ear and checks on the mask
Ribbing:  Go-brite floss, orange #7 and 2-strands gold Sulky metallic thread twisted clockwise tightly
Body:  Rusty brown taken from the base of the ear.
Thorax/Collar:  Rusty brown hare's ear and Sybai's Fine Flash, fiery brown 
Hotspot:  Glo-brite floss, orange #7


(1)  This is a variation of a pattern my buddy swears by.  His pattern is tied with a tail and collar of pine squirrel and a gold bead vice glass.  The body materials remains the same.
(2)  Once the tail is tied in the gold ribbing and floss are tied in.  The floss will act as your dubbing loop.  Keep the fur/hair to a minimum.  This allows the floss to bleed through when wet.  The gold ribbing is twisted clockwise and wrapped forward after the body is complete.
(3)  Other colors of floss that are effective:  crimson #3, scarlet #4, fire orange #5, hot orange #6, purple #15.

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear Series, Firehole Hooks, Glass Beads, Hare's Mask, Glo-Brite Floss, Sulky Mettalic Thread,

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