Saturday, September 22, 2018

2N1 (Two-In-One) - #22 of 150

As the name implies the 2N1 can imitate midges and mayflies.  I mainly tie this pattern in gray and brown, but a few in black, olive, olive brown find slots in the flybox.

You maybe wondering what the shuck material is...  I've been playing around with Body Quill and it seems to be a vast improvement over the typical shuck materials.   Despite the numerous colors available it is transparent and moves through the water much like the Real McCoy.  Just choose a shade or two lighter than your body color...  Black is the exception as it a solid color and light gray Body Quill makes a great shuck.

The main trigger feature is the underwing of Midge Flash.  My only recommendation is keeping it short.  Doing so will keep the "flash" from being too bright allowing (hopefully) the fish to see the shuck.

Since the 2N1 is an emerger pattern I mainly tie it on as my upper dropper so it rides a little higher the in water column.  If you need to fish a little deeper adding a small amount of weight 12 to 15 inches above will do the trick.


Hook:  Choice of any curved nymph/scud hook,  sizes 16-24 (Pictured TMC 2488H Size 20)
Thread:  14/0 Veevus or 18/0 Nano Silk, gray or brown (18/0 Nano Silk pictured)
Shuck:  Hend's Body Quill, gray cut to the length of body  (light brown for brown body)
Ribbing:  Hend's 0.09 colored wire, #10 (light brown) with gray body or #30 (black) with brown body (Light brown shown)
Body:  Thread
Underwing:  Midge Flash, light blue dun cut short
Overwing:  Medium slate gray CDC
Thorax:  Slate gray rabbit (shown) or Superfine Dubbing in Adams color for gray body and rust color for brown body.

2N1 Midge Pattern, Midge Emerger, Putah Creek, Body Quill, CDC, Hends Colored Wire, Rabbit Dubbing, Nano Silk

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