Sunday, September 23, 2018

JABs Hatching Midge - #23 of 150

If you like to incorporate bugginess into your patterns look no further than my Hatching Midge.  The thorax (muskrat) and collar (CDC) seductively move - even in the slowest of currents - making this a "go to" pattern for both lakes and moving waters.

For a shuck material I've switched from pearl Flashabou to Hends Holostrength simply due to the unique effect.   This seems to have made a difference in the catch ratio however, the switch was made just over a year ago and it might take another season or two to know if this truly makes a difference,  As an option you may add a very short piece of Holostrength in front and over the top of the thorax for additional attraction for off-colored water.

Another switch was in my gill material.  Having tried several options I truly never settled on any one particular material simply because it didn't "look right" or it was too stiff and/or didn't give off enough "pop."  The solution was white Antron dubbing for it's suppleness and translucency without an overpowering effect.  The suppleness allows for movement with the muskrat and CDC.


Hook:  TMC 200R or Daiichi 1270, Sizes 12-22 (TMC 200R size 22 shown)
Thread:  18/0 Nano Silk or 14/0 Veevus, Black
Shuck:  Hends Holostrength, pearl, 1/100th"
Ribbing:  Hends 0.09, copper
Body:  Thread
Thorax:  Muskrat dyed black.  Dubbed loosely or use split thread method. (Split thread shown)
Collar:  CDC, natural
Gills:  Antron dubbing, white

JABs Hatching Midge, Midge Emerger, Midge Patterns, Hends Holostrength, Hends Colored Wires, Putah Creek, Muskrat Dubbing, CDC, TMC Hooks

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