Monday, September 24, 2018

Hot Orange Juice - #24 of 150

Hot orange juice doesn't sound like it would whet the human palate, but the pattern finds itself in the corner of a fish's jaw quite often!  The name actually refers to the fluorescent orange thread ("hot") of the body.  

I don't know who thought of  a fluorescent orange midge pattern, but it is absolutely genius and the Hot Orange Juice (HOJ) is quite an effective pattern in various scenarios.  Tie one of these hi-vis snacks on your leader during a large midge hatch and hold on!  The fluorescent orange stands out like a sore thumb among the hundreds of thousands of pupa traveling downstream.   I don't limit myself the the above...   First/Last light, rising waters, slightly off colored water  and periods of insect inactivity are a couple of other ideal times to present the HOJ.

This is tying simplicity!  If you can tie a Zebra Midge then you can tie this elongated hi-vis version.  I also carry a few in standard orange versions aptly names Orange Juice.


Hook:  TMC 200R, sizes 16-22 (Size 20 pictured)
Bead:  Appropriate to hook size (1.5mm pictured).
Ribbing:  Hends wire 0.09, gold
Body:  Veevus 14/0 fluorescent orange
Optional:  Coat body with UV resin or Sally Hansen's

Hot Orange Juice,Midge Pattern, Hi-vis Midge Pupa, TMC Hooks, Tungsten Beads, Hends Colored Wire

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