Sunday, April 30, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #37

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#37  Anderson's Rubber Leg Stone (Variant)

Hook:  TMC 200R, sizes 6-12 (Size 8 pictured)
Bead:  Size is dictated by size and style of hook (3.5mm coffee colored tungsten pictured)
Weight;  Strips of .030 lead tied parallel to the shank
Thread: Start with UTC 140, white.  Finish thread is UTC 70, brown
Tail:  Round white rubber, fine or medium (fine pictured)
Body:  DMC embroidery metallic thread #E898 (top) and DMC embroidery floss #842 (bottom) woven
Legs:  Same as tail
Thorax:  Mixture of natural hare's ear, grey squirrel, Sybai Fine Flash, UV, black deer hair and Fine Flash, brown
Feelers:  Same as tail and legs


(1)  George Anderson's original rubber leg stone used woven brown wool (top) and burlap (bottom)
(2)  Weight heavily.  Best fished down bouncing along the stream bed.
(3)  Excellent early season golden stonefly pattern or searching pattern.
(4)  Experiment with different colors- black/orange, olive/chartreuse, gold/yellow.
(5)  Start with white thread to tie in strips of lead, build a slight taper and then to tie in DMC thread/floss.  The thread/floss should be tied in parallel to the shank. Use a brown indelible pen to color the top of the body.  This will keep the white thread from showing through if weave isn't tight.  Brown thread is used to complete thorax and fly.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #36

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#36  Bead head rubber legs GRHE

Hook:  TMC 200R, sizes 6-12 (Size 8 pictured)
Bead:  Size is dictated by size and style of hook (3.5mm gold tungsten pictured)
Weight;  15-20 wraps of lead or lead free wire (15 wraps of .020 in use of this fly)
Thread: UTC 70,  tan
Tail:  (Original is white round rubber)  Flexi Floss, white.  Color with tan indelible ink
Ribbing:  Lagartun, small gold, oval
Body:  Natural hare's ear mixed with a small amount of tan, dark tan and clear Antron yarn.
Wingcase:  Natural pheasant tail or Ozark Oak mottled turkey
Legs:  Same as tail
Thorax:  Same as body


(1)  Weight heavily.  Best fished down bouncing along the stream bed.
(2)  Excellent early season golden stonefly pattern or searching pattern.
(3)  Flexi Floss is an unique material in that it is wavy and can be split for smaller diameters.  It has a variety of uses from midges to big steelhead flies.  Not the prettiest material, but has more action than round rubber and takes indelible ink well.  I've used a tan marker to color match the hare's ear.  Note the mottled effect.
(4)  Experiment with different colors.  An unweighted to slightly weighted olive version in lakes and slow waters can be very deadly- especially on heavily fished waters.  Think dragonfly nymphs!

Friday, April 28, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #35

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#35  Rubber legs and marabou tail

Hook:  Hends BL554, sizes 10-16 (Size 12 pictured)
Bead: (Optional)
Weight;  Weight heavily.  
Thread: UTC 70, black
Tail:  Marabou, black.  Pinched to length
Ribbing:  Hends 0.1mm gold, doubled and twist tight 
Body:  Hare's ear. black with Antron added
Wingcase:  Goose, duck or dark brown portion of turkey
Legs:  Centipede Legs, color of choice (orange and black pictured)
Thorax:  Same as body


(1)  Weight heavily.  I have doubled the body and tripled the thorax with tungsten sheeting cut into strips and wrapped the length of the hook (pictured).  Best fished down bouncing along the stream bed.
(2)   Tie in various colors and hook lengths to mimic stonefly nymphs.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #34

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#34  Filoplume thorax and tail

Hook:  Hends BL554, sizes 10-16 (Size 12 pictured)
Bead: (Optional)
Weight;  To suit
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail:  Filoplume or fluff from the base of a grouse or partridge feather
Ribbing:  Lagartun, Small oval, gold
Body:  Natural hare's ear taken from the base of the ear with with a little Sybai's Fine Flash, UV
Wingcase:  Pheasant tail, natural
Thorax:  Filoplume from a grouse or partridge


(1)  Oh boy!  Where do I start?  Solid performer in lakes and slower waters.  This has been an excellent callibaetis pattern for me.
(2)  Filoplume looks awful thick when dry, but thins down significantly when wet.  Prime movement!
(3)  The filoplume is a weak material.  Therefore, you will want to place it in split thread or a dubbing loop to apply it.  

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #33

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#33  "Hot" Thorax

Hook:  Hends BL554, sizes 10-16 (Size 12 pictured)
Bead: (Optional)
Weight;  To suit
Thread: UTC 70, fl. chartreuse
Tail:  Peacock sword, 3 to 5 barbs
Ribbing:  Lagartun, Small oval, gold
Body:  Natural dark hare's ear taken from the base of the ear
Wingcase:  Ozark Oak mottled turkey
Thorax:  Chartreuse or insect green (Hareline Dubbing)


(1)  A hot thorax is a good choice for high, spring runoff or slightly murky waters.
(2)  This is a great fly for panfish when fished slow or tied on a jig head.
(3)  Change up the color of the thorax.  Fluorescent colors as well as purple or even darker shades of hare's ear are excellent choices and fill avoid in your fly box.  Pink, red and orange will work wonders when the fish are eating eggs!
(4)  I normally tie my Hare's ear with an approximate 60-percent body/40-percent thorax.  However, with the hot thorax I shorten the thorax area to approximately 30-percent and slightly pick out the fur. This keeps the body from being overshadowed by the brighter thorax.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #32

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#32  Peacock Herl Body

Hook:  Hends BL554, sizes 10-16 (Size 12 pictured)
Bead: (Optional)
Weight;  To suit
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail:  Mottled hen, light
Ribbing:  Hends, gold 0.1mm doubled, twisted and counterwrapped.
Body:  Peacock herl taken from just below the eye
Wingcase:  Pheasant tail, natural
Thorax:  Natural hare's ear taken from the base of the ear mixed with Sybai's Fine Flash, UV


(1)  The combination of peacock and hare's ear makes any fly a winner.   Look no further than Perry Griffin's 20-incher stonefly pattern for proof!
(2)  I've weighted this fly with tungsten strips wrapped down the shank and doubled in the thorax area.

Monday, April 24, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #31

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#31  Blue Winged Olive And Thread Body

Hook:  Firehole 419 or choice, sizes 16-20 (size 18 pictured)
Bead:  2.0mm gold tungsten lacquered and colored with indelible pen (Size 20 requires 1.5mm bead.)
Thread: 12/0 Bennechi, olive
Tail:  Olive hare's ear underfur pulled from the cheek area on hare's mask.  Remove guard hairs. Keep tail thin.
Rib:   Hends, gold 0.1mm,
Body:  Thread
Wingcase:  Veevus pearl colored with indelible ink
Thorax:  50/50 mixture of brown and olive hare's ear.  Lean more so on the underfur


(1)  I came up with this exact pattern nearly 30-years ago and it remains my favorite BWO nymph! Very effective.
(2)  Copper or olive wire can be used for the rib, but gold appears to be more effective.
(3)  Various shades can be applied to the body, tail and thorax with an indelible ink,
(4)  To get the olive effect on the bead simply apply a very thin coat of head cement and allow to dry. Once completely dry color with indelible ink.  Wait a few minutes for the ink to dry and apply a thin overcoat of head cement.  Complete several in advance to speed up the tying process.
(5)  The wingcase is also colored with indelible ink prior to tying on the shank.  The end result is a deep olive green color

Sunday, April 23, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #30

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#30  Hot butt

Hook:  Hanak H400BL or choice, sizes 8-18 (size 12 pictured) (The smallest 400 style of hook is 16, but the pattern can be tied on TMC 2457/87 styles.)
Bead:  3.5MM gold tungsten
Thread: UTC 70, tan
Tail:  Natural hare's ear underfur pulled from the cheek area on hare's mask.  Remove guard hairs. Keep tail thin.
Rib:   Hends, gold 0.1MM, counterwrapped
Butt:  UTC70, fl. pink
Body:  Natural hare's ear taken from the base of the ear.
Collar/Thorax:  Same as body.


(1)  Simple is better!
(2) Start with UTC70 fl. pink thread and wind down to the butt area.  Tie in a small amount of underfur from the check area for the tail.  Build up a small hot butt and return to the bead area. Switch to tan thread.
(3)  Use the short spiky hair from the base of the ear.  This will make your flies extremely buggy!
(4)  Change up hot butt colors- fl orange, chartreuse, fl, fire orange, or fl. yellow.
(5)  It's hard to beat natural hare's ear ,but olive, brownish olive and black are great colors- especially in small sizes.

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear,  Czech Nymph, Euro Nymph, Hare's Mask, Hare's Ear, Hanak Hooks, Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear

Saturday, April 22, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #29

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#29  Floss Body (Royal Coachman-ish)

Hook:  Hanak H450BL or choice, sizes 8-16 (size 10 pictured)
Bead:  3.5MM gold tungsten
Thread: UTC 70, tan
Tail:  Natural hare's ear underfur pulled from the cheek area on hare's mask.  Remove guard hairs. 
Rib:   Hends, gold 0.1MM, counterwrapped
Butt:  Small ball of natural hare's ear.  Pick out
Body:  Red floss.  Silk or nylon
Collar/Thorax:   Small amount of Sybai's Fine Flash, dark peacock brown followed by hare's ear in a dubbing loop.  Slightly pick out the Fine Flash


(1)  Inspiration for this pattern comes from the Royal Coachman.   Instead of a short, narrow band of red floss  I have elected to tie it long for more visibility.
(2)  The tail may look extra thick however, it is merely underfur from the cheek and will thin out significantly when wet.  Excellent movement!

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear,  Czech Nymph, Euro Nymph, Hare's Mask, Hare's Ear, Hanak Hooks, Royal Coachman, Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear

Friday, April 21, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #28

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#28  Floss Tail, Hare's Ear Ribbing and Deer Hair/Hare's ear Collar

Hook:  Firehole 839 or any 3XL hook, sizes 8-16 (size 10 pictured)
Bead:  4.0MM tungsten, light coffee
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail:  Glo-brite floss, fl. fire orange #5
Rib:  (1) Spiky hare's ear (natural dark) in a dubbing loop (2) UTC Ultrawire, small gold counterwrapped.
Body:  Sulky, metallic light copper #6011
Collar/Thorax:  Mixture natural and brown hare's ear, black and dark brown deer hair and Artic Frost, brown.  Deer hair should be on the heavy side.
Hotspot:  UTC 70, fl. fire orange


(1)  Excellent pocket water fly!  One bead size larger than normal is appropriate.
(2)  Wrap body smooth and flat with UTC 70.  Once tail is tied in make a dubbing loop and tie off at the tail.  Tie in gold wire.  Next double Sulky and wrap body.  Place spiky hare's in dubbing loop. Place more hair at the bottom of the loop to help form the collar.  Wrap as a ribbing. Brush out. Counterwrap with gold wire
(3)  The collar is formed with a dubbing loop.  Lean heavy on the deer hair.  Well picked out.

Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear, Glo-brite Floss, Firehole Hooks Hare's Ear. Hare's Mask

Thursday, April 20, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #27

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#27  Flashback Body And Wingcase

Hook:  Firehole 839 or any 3XL hook, sizes 8-16 (size 12 pictured)
Bead:  3.5MM gold tungsten
Weight:   8-12 wraps of .015 or .020 lead wire
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail: Goose biots, brown
Rib:  Lagartun gold, small oval
Body:  Sybai's Fine Flashback, olive cut into a strip, doubled and wrapped.
Wingcase:  Sybai's Fine Flashback, olive
Thorax:  Mixture of olive and brown hare's ear picked out.  Apply UV resin over wingcase. Wind and whip finish a small amount thorax material over the tip/end of the wingcase to hide thread wraps


(1)  The flashback material possesses several iridescent earth tone colors.  Olive (pictured) contains various shades and tints of greens to dark olives and tan to dark bronze.  Light affected iridescence!
(2)  The flashback material somewhat fragile and should be cut into a narrow strip and doubled. Wrap the material utilizing the rotary feature on your vise.  Doing prevents stretching or tearing.

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear, Firehole Hooks, Hare's Ear, Hare's Mask, Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear, Sybai's Fine Flashback, Lagartun Tinsel

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #26

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#26  Polish Woven Nymph, Hare's Ear

Hook:  Fulling Mill Czech Nymph, sizes 10-16 (Size 12 Pictured)
Bead:  3.5MM gold tungsten
Weight:  Tungsten sheeting cut into a strip and wrapped around hook shank.  Thorax doubled (or lead wire).
Thread: UTC 70, fl. fire orange
Rib:  Hends 0.1MM gold
Body:  DMC embroidery thread, pearl effect #E746 and dark brown #938
Collar.Thorax:  Mixture of brown hare's ear, tan Antron yarn, brown deer hair and Sybai's Fine Flash. fiery brown.


(1)  It is recommended to utilize UTC 140 to quicken the time it takes to form a taper.  The head is finished with 70-denier.
(2)  The number of floss strands is dictated by the hook style and size.  I am using 3-strands of pearl (bottom) (same color as tinsel) and 4-strands of dark brown.
(3)  Before the each knot is secure tightly a very small pinch of hare's ear is inserted into the loop then tightened.  I applied the hare's ear every other knot.
(4)  If you haven't an opportunity to fish woven nymphs you are missing out on some hot pattrns!

Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear, Fulling Mill Hooks, DMC Embroidery Floss, Hare's Mask, Hare's Ear


Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear, Fulling Mill Hooks, DMC Embroidery Floss, Hare's Mask, Hare's Ear


Fulling Mill Hooks, DMC Embroidery Floss, Hare's Mask, Hare's Ear

Front angle

Fulling Mill Hooks, DMC Embroidery Floss, Hare's Mask, Hare's Ear

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #25

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#25  Glass Bead Bubble,  Hare's Ear Blended With Antron, Peacock Sword Wingcase

Hook:  Hends BL554, sizes 8-16 (Size 12 pictured)
Weight:  Tungsten sheeting cut into a strip and wrapped around hook shank.  Thorax doubled.
Bead:  (Optional)
Thread: UTC 70, Tan
Tail:  Hare's ear taken from the cheek, bleached
Rib:  Hends 0.1MM gold twisted with Veevus pearl tinsel
Body:  Hare's ear, bleached and blended with Antron
Wingcase:  Peacock sword
Bubble:  8/0 Japanese Toho, gold-lined black diamond (transparent black/gold lining)
Thorax:   Sames as body


(1)  The glass bead bubble is intended to imitate the wings clearing (or some call it :exploding) from the nymph in transition to an adult.  Silver, gold, pink and yellow are excellent back up bead colors.
(2)   The bubble is secured by doubling gold wire running through the center of the bead.  The wire is firmly secured to the top of the shank after the peacock sword is tied in.  Dub tightly in front and behind wire.  The wire should stand 90-degrees to the shank.  Once the thorax is completed split even amounts of peacock sword (3-each side pictured) and enclose (surround) the bubble.  Secure.
(3)  This pattern in smaller sizes has been successful for me when PMD's are about.
(4)  Use 11/0 glass bead for sizes 14/16 and 15/0 for size 18.

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear, Hare's Mask, Glass Beads, Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear, Peacock Sword, Hends Hooks

Monday, April 17, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #24

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#24  Glass Bead Thorax.  Hare's Ear Blended With Antron

Hook:  Hends BL554, sizes 8-16 (Size 12 pictured)
Weight:  Tungsten sheeting cut into a strip and wrapped around the body portion only.
Bead:  (Optional)
Thread: UTC 70, Tan
Tail:  Hare's ear taken from the cheek, bleached
Rib:  Lagartun, flat gold, small
Body:  Hare's ear, bleached and blended with Antron
Wingcase:  Ozark Oak mottled turkey
Thorax:   (2) 11/0 Japanese Toho glass beads, galvanized pink lilac


(1)  Try various glass bead colors.   Even though some colors appear subtle, glass beads reflect a tremendous amount of light.
(2)   The number and size of bead is dictated by hook style and size
(3)  The beads are placed on the hook first.  Once the tail and body are complete tie in wingcase. Ensure you have plenty of room behind the eye.  Wind dubbing behind, between and in front of each bead.  Secure wingcase.

GRHE, Hare's Mask, Hare's Ear Nymph, Glass Beads, Hends Hooks, Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear

Sunday, April 16, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #23

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#23  Glass Bead Abdomen

Hook:  Hends BL554, sizes 8-16 (Size 12 pictured)
Weight:  Tungsten sheeting cut into a strip and wrapped around the thorax.
Bead:  (Optional)
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail:  Partridge, brown
Body:  (4) 11/0 Japanese Toho glass beads, gold lined rainbow topaz
Wingcase:  Ozark Oak mottled turkey
Thorax:   Brown hare's ear taken from the base of the ears.  Mixed with tan sparkle yarn, brown possum and Sybai Fine Flash in fiery brown and UV.


(1)  The popularity of glass beads has waned a little over the years.  Not sure why, but they are absolutely deadly at times.
(2)  Numerous bead colors are available and sometimes the "off the wall" colors produce when nothing else does.
(3)  Beads are placed on the hook first... The tail is tied in followed by a small build up of thread before dubbing.   The rear bead should fit snug on the thread.  The wingcase and thorax are completed as normal.
(4)  The number and size of beads are dependent upon the hook style.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #22

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#22  Glass Rib Body 

Hook:  Hends BL554, sizes 8-16
Weight:  Tungsten sheeting cut into a strip and wrapped around the thorax.
Bead:  (Optional)
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail:  Partridge, brown
Body:  Under body is a combination of Veevus pearl tinsel and gold Flashabou.  The body is then wrapped with Sybai's Glass Rib in fiery brown
Wingcase:  Ozark Oak mottled turkey
Thorax:   Natural hare's ear taken from the ear mixed with Sybai's Fine Flash in olive and UV.  Picked out.


(1)  A nice twist with a little flash and segmentation.
(2)  Various color combinations can be utilized by the tier.
(3)  A pearl  underbody is my favorite, but I've also enjoyed success with silver, gold (Lagartun) and Mirage tinsel in various tints/colors.

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear, Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear. Hare's Mask

Friday, April 14, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #21

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#21  Oversized dubbing brush or loop - impressionistic stonefly imitation

Hook:  TMC 200R, sizes 6-12 (Size 8 pictured.)
Weight:  Tungsten sheeting cut into a strip and wrapped around the shank.  Thorax area is doubled.
Bead:  (Optional)
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail:  Pheasant tail natural
Body:  DMC embroidery floss (#E301) and Hends 0.1MM gold wired double.  Add a small amount of hare's ear between the strands.  Everything is twisted together .
Wingcase:  Ozark Oak mottled turkey
Thorax:   Natural hare's ear taken from the ear.


(1)  Twist the body materials counterclockwise.  This ensure each wrap lays snug against the previous one.
(2)  A very unique pattern that is quick to tie.  Fishes well in areas of brown and golden stones.
(3)  Black body and hare's ear is also effective.
(4)  I have caught several steelhead on this pattern in the Northwest.   Great Lakes angler should give it go!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #20

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#20  European Style with a thin dubbed body, doubled ribbing, deer hair thorax and hot spot

Hook:  Firehole 316, sizes 10-16
Bead:  Size appropriate for hook.  Color of choice (2.5MM gold pictured)
Thread: 12/0 Bennechi, black.  Finished (hot spot) with UTC 70, fl. fire orange
Ribbing:  Hends, gold 0.10MM, doubled.  Single strand of Hends UV Krystal Ice Effect, UV violet. All three strands twisted clockwise.
Body:   Black hare's ear taken from the base of the ear (70%) mixed with purple Arctic Frost (30%)
Thorax:   Black deer hair in dubbing loop or dubbed.  Keep sparse.


(1)  Once the dubbing has been blended it should look comparable to a deep purple color
(2)  Body should be kept as thin as possible.  Admittedly, I might have picked out a little too much, but this pattern will fish well.
(3)  Deer hair give an awesome impression of legs!  Keep it sparse and trim accordingly.
(4)  The fluorescent fire orange hot spot sticks out like a sore thumb against the subtle colors of black and purple.  Dark days - dark flies!
(5)  Replace the gold ribbing and bead with silver as a back up.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #19

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#18  European Style

Hook:  Firehole 419, sizes 12-16
Weight:  Additional weight is optional
Bead:  Size appropriate for hook.  Color of choice (2.8MM gold pictured)
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail;  Guard hair from brown hare's mask
Ribbing:  Hends, gold 0.10mm
Body:   Veevus Body Quill, golden brown
Thorax:   Brown hare's ear taken from the base of the ear.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #18

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#18  Cased Caddis

Hook:  TMC 200R or equivalent, size 6-10 (size 8 pictured)
Weight:  Additional weight is optional, but recommended.
Bead:  Size appropriate for hook.  Color of choice (3.0MM black pictured)
Thread: 6/0 Uni Thread, back for body,   12/0 olive or chartreuse finishes the thorax.
Ribbing:  Sulky metallic gold embroidery thread and black 6/0 thread doubled and twisted.
Body:   Mixture of natural, dyed brown and dyed black hare's ear and deer hair.  Lean more so on the darker colors.  Lightly picked out.
Thorax:  Mixture of olive hare's ear from the base of the ear, insect green and caddis green hare's ear (or dubbing) and a little Sybai's Fine Flash, green.  Slightly picked out..


(1)  I tie this pattern a lot without the hare's ear.  It leaves quite a mess, but oh so effective as a searching pattern or great summer point fly!  Get it down along the rocks and you'll be rewarded.
(2)  The dubbing mixture is applied heavily in a dubbing loop and spun tightly, but do not pack the deer hair too tight.  This will impact the sink rate.   Pull all fibers rearwards when wrapping
(3)  Tie a few in various thorax colors: bright green, chartreuse, tan, cream and olive.  It doesn't hurt to try fl. orange or pink.

Monday, April 10, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #17

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#17  Glass Bead Caddis

Hook:  Hends BL554, sizes 10-16 (Size 12 pictured)
Bead:  Size appropriate for hook.  Color of choice (2.8MM copper pictured)
Thread: UTC 70, olive and Sybai gold wire, 0.01MM
Body:  11/0 Japanese Toho, silver lined frosted peridot #27F.  Olive hare's ear mixed with a slight amount insect green rabbit.
Thorax:  Dyed brown hare's ear mixed with a slight amount of J. Fair's Seal Sub in black and Sybai's Fine Flash, fiery brown.  Slightly picked out.


(1)  The size and number of glass beads used for the body are dependent upon the hook and style.  As a general rule sizes 16 and 14 will use four or five 15/0 beads respectively
(2)  The thread and gold wire are combined and then dubbed upon  Once the amount of fur desired has been applied to the wire/thread combination take a few wraps behind the rear bead and then wind over the next bead repeating the process until the thorax region is reached.  The gold wire will bleed through when wet.
(3)  This pattern is a variation of the original Glass Caddis.  Colors and sizes can be change to meet your local waters.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #16

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#16  CDC Tail and Thorax

Hook:  Firehole 316, sizes 10-16 (Size 12 pictured)
Weight; Tungsten sheeting cut into a strip and wrapped forward.  Thorax area is doubled.
Bead:  Optional
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail:  CDC, light blue dun
Body:  Hare's ear, natural
Ribbing:  Sybai .01MM gold wire.  Veevus pearl tinsel, small
Wingcase:  Pheasant tail, natural
Thorax:  Natural hare's ear and lt blue CDC


(1)  The split thread method is utilized to apply the thorax.  A small amount of hare's ear is placed between the thread opening.  Once the desired length and amount have been added CDC fibers are cut from the stem and placed across the top of hare's ear. The thread loop is closed trapping both materials.  Spin clockwise.
(2)  A great pattern for the heads of pools and tailouts.

Hare's Ear, Firehole Hooks, CDC. Pheasant Tail. UTC Ultra Wire, Veevus Tinsel

Saturday, April 8, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #15

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#15  The Dubbing Brush

Hook:  Hends BL554, sizes 10-16 (Size 12 pictured)
Weight; Tungsten sheeting cut into a strip and wrapped forward.  Thorax area is doubled.
Bead:  Optional
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail:  Partridge, brown
Body/Ribbing:  The body and ribbing is form via a dubbing brush (shown below).  For hook sizes 10 and 12 UTC Ultra Wire (gold) small is perfect.  Size 14 and 16 use UTC Ultra Wire in extra small.
Wingcase:  Pheasant tail, natural


(1)  Very  buggy and super effective!  The dubbing brush ensures a spiky effect.  Might be most effective hare's ear for me!
(2)  The gold ribbing should be barely visible.  This will take a little practice when producing brushes (as shown below on the finished fly and dubbing brush).   If you have too much some discreet plucking will suffice.
(3)  The brush is tied in on the far side of the hook shank and brought forward to the 60/65 percent mark.  The wingcase is then tied in.  Continue with dubbing brush until reaching approximately two eye lengths behind eye and secure.  Apply a little dubbing to complete and hide securing thread wraps of the wire. then bring wingcase over the thorax and secure.   Pluck the longer individual hairs.
(4)  Definitely try various color combination.  Black hare's ear and a red or orange core is productive (rivers and streams) as well as olive hare's ear and a pink core for lakes

Friday, April 7, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #13 And #14

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#13  Stonefly - package material for wingcase(s)

Hook:  TMC 200 style or choice, sizes 4 to 12
Weight; Extra weight is optional
Bead:  3.0MM black tungten
Thread: 6/0 Uni-thread, black
Tail:  Goose biots, black
Ribbing:  2-strands gold Sulky metallic thread 2-strands Hends UV Ice Effect, UV violet twisted clockwise
Body:  Black rabbit taken from the cheeks on the mask
Wingcases:  Black packaging material from Sybai's Fine Flash cut into a strip.
Thorax/Collar:  Same as body.  Picked out well and brushed rearwards.
Head: Same as body.  Small amount.


(1)  Very generic stonefly pattern, but still highly effective in faster or pocket water.
(2)  Wrapping/Twisting the UV Krystal Flash with the Sulky is designed to dampen the brightness of the gold and still have color/UV presence on the pattern.
(3)  Pick the body, thorax and head out.  The buggier the better!
(4)  Don't overlook tying a few in natural brown and tan.   Mixing brown and tan (80% tan 20% brown as a starting point) is a killer golden stone color!

#13  Floss dubbing loop and hotspot

Hook:  Firestick 316, size 10 or 12
Weight;  Optional
Bead:  11/0 Japenese Toho bead, silver-lined topaz #22C  or size appropriate gold bead
Thread: 6/0 Uni-thread, brown
Tail:   Rusty brown taken from the ear and checks on the mask
Ribbing:  Go-brite floss, orange #7 and 2-strands gold Sulky metallic thread twisted clockwise tightly
Body:  Rusty brown taken from the base of the ear.
Thorax/Collar:  Rusty brown hare's ear and Sybai's Fine Flash, fiery brown 
Hotspot:  Glo-brite floss, orange #7


(1)  This is a variation of a pattern my buddy swears by.  His pattern is tied with a tail and collar of pine squirrel and a gold bead vice glass.  The body materials remains the same.
(2)  Once the tail is tied in the gold ribbing and floss are tied in.  The floss will act as your dubbing loop.  Keep the fur/hair to a minimum.  This allows the floss to bleed through when wet.  The gold ribbing is twisted clockwise and wrapped forward after the body is complete.
(3)  Other colors of floss that are effective:  crimson #3, scarlet #4, fire orange #5, hot orange #6, purple #15.

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear Series, Firehole Hooks, Glass Beads, Hare's Mask, Glo-Brite Floss, Sulky Mettalic Thread,

Thursday, April 6, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #11 And #12

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#11  Glass Bead and Floss Tail

Hook:  Daiichi 1150, size 14
Weight;  To suit
Bead:  11/0 Japanese Toho glass,  silver-lined emerald green rainbow #2036
Thread: 12/0 Bennechi, dark olive
Tail:  Glo Brite, #11 Lime Green
Ribbing:  2-strands Hends .09MM gold wire and 2-strands Hends .09MM olive wire twisted clockwise.
Body:  Dark olive hare's ear taken from the ear
Thorax/Collar:  Brown hare's ear taken from the cheek mixed with peacock brown Sybai's Fine Flash. and a generous portion of dark brown deer hair dubbing. Picked out well and brushed rearwards. Leave the top portion a little longer than the bottom.


(1)  I've tried several different colored beads and emerald green takes the lead.  I don't know way, but the fish take a liking to it.  I also tie this pattern with a crystal bead/copper lining.
(2)  Glo Brite floss adds another touch of color which provides good contrast against the dark body. Keep the tail short. Quarter body length or shorter.
(3)  Twisting olive wire with the gold has been a great subtle touch that lessens the overall flash.
(4)  Tied in sizes 14-18.  Sizes 16 and 18 will require a 15/0 glass bead as well as scaling the amount of wire for the rib.

#12  Wire/Thread Ribbing, Flashback, Tungsten Bead

Hook:  Daiichi 1150, Size 14
Bead:  2.5MM tunsten, coffee brown
Thread: 12/0 Bennechi, brown
Ribbing:  One strand Hends .09MM gold wire and one strand of UTC 70, chartreuse twisted clockwise.
Flasback:  Veevus pearl tinsel
Body:  Olive hare's ear taken from the ear mixed with Hareline insect green
Thorax/Collar:  Brown hare's ear taken from the check mixed with a slight amount of dark brown deer dubbing and peacock brown Sybai's Fine Flash


(1)  This pattern is a variation of Lawson's Electric Caddis and a great choice for bright days.
(2)  The ribbing is unique in that I've used thread vice chartreuse wire.  If you look closely in the pictures you'll notice that the thread makes up for the majority of the ribbing leaving just enough gold to produce a flash.
(3)  Paerl tinsel is used for the flashback.  I've experimented with various tinsels and Flashabou colors, including UV, and good ol' pearl is by far the best.
(4)  Tied in sizes 14-18.  Bead and flashback will need to be scaled accordingly to size of hook.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #9 And #10

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#9  Emerger

Hook:  Firehole 316, size 12
Weight;  To suit
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail:  Z-lon, ginger
Ribbing:  Sulky metallic thread, gold  
Body:  Hare's ear taken from the ear, natural 
Wing:  Sybai Fine Flash, ultraviolet, sparse, short and cut uneven
Legs: (Optional) Partridge, brown
Thorax/Collar:  Brown hare's ear taken from the cheek of the mask and picked out.


(1)  The ribbing is Sulky's metallic embroidery thread available in gold and silver.  It makes a great ribbing on smaller size patterns where available flat or small oval tinsels are too wide.  A 1000-yard spool will set you back approximately $15.99 or so- well worth it!
(2)  When winding ribbing utilize the the rotary feature of the vice.  This will keep the Sulky from unraveling as well as keeping even spacing between turns.
(3)  One of my favorite patterns!  I enjoy fishing this pattern as I am working myself downstream. If the pattern has been catching fish I'll tie it back on as a dropper and work my way back upstream.

#10  Original Hare's Ear

Hook:  Hends BL554, size 12
Weight;  To suit
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail:  Partridge, brown
Ribbing:  (Optional)  Gold. oval
Body:  Hare's ear taken from the ear, natural,  The body should be tied with a taper (as pictured) and picked out.
Throat: (Optional) Partridge, brown


(1)  Reminiscent of several patterns from the 1930's through the late 1950's?   Over the years the pattern has went through various changes to what we see today commercially available.  The ribbing was once optional to now standard and throat hackle optional to non-existent,  I cannot pinpoint with reasonable accuracy when the wingcase was added, but even some 40-years ago the pattern was described and listed as above in Terry Hellekson's, Popular Fly Patterns (1976).
2)  The ribbing would have been wound all the way to the head.
3)  I can see how this simple version was highly effective for so many years.  I've tied several dozen over the years with a gold bead less throat hackle and done very well.  The ribbing definitely adds to the effectiveness.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #7 And #8

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#7  Peacock sword/herl for tails and wingcases

Hook:  Hends BL554, Size 12
Weight;  To suit
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail:  3 or 4 peacock sword tips or herl from below the eye. (Sword pictured.)
Ribbing:  Hends .09mm, gold.  
Body:  Hare's ear taken from the ear, dyed brown
Wingcase:  6 to 8 peacock sword tips or 8 to 10 herl from below the eye. (Sword pictured.)
Thorax:  Same as body.  Picked out.


(1)  Never underestimate the attractive power of peacock!  Randall Kaufmann popularized peacock herl for wingcases on his hare's ear variants as well as peacock sword for the wingcases on his Filoplume Mayfly patterns.
(2)  The ribbing is formed with 2-strands of gold wire doubled over to make 4-strands with a loop at the opposite end.  The four ends are tied in along the back of the hook shank.  Insert a dubing twister in the loop and twist clockwise.  The body is dubbed and the ribbing wound forward.  The sole purpose of showing the reader this is simply giving an additional option for an oval tinsel.  It does looks aesthetically pleasing though...

#8  Flashbacks and feather fibers for tailing material

Hook:  Hends BL554, Size 12
Weight;  To suit
Thread: 6/0 Danville, orange #7
Tail:  Ruffed grouse
Ribbing:  Lagartun, small, gold oval  
Body:  Natural hare's ear taken from the ear mixed with a small amount of orange Ice Dubbing.
Wingcase:  Natural pheasant tail fibers.  Uni-mylar, orange covered with UV resin.
Thorax:  Same as body.  Picked out.


(1)  Any feather can be used for a tailing material as previously noted.  Dyed or natural pheasant, partridge and grouse are extremely common on the GRHE
(2)  I added a small amount for orange Ice Dubbing to brighten the body.
(3)  Adding a flashback can make nearly any nymph more effective.  Various tinsels and mylar can be utilized depending on the effect the tier is looking for.  Applying epoxy or UV resin to the wingcase is optional.  Not only does this add a protective coating it also gives a different light signature.

Monday, April 3, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #5 And #6

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#5  Wingcase tips form legs

Hook:  Hends BL554, Size 12
Weight;  To suit
Thread: 6/0 Danville, orange #7
Tail:  4 to 6 pheasant tail fibers, natural
Ribbing:  Lagartun,  gold, small oval
Body:  Natural hare's ear taken from the ear, 
Wingcase:  Pheasant tail fibers, natural
Legs:  The tips of the wingcase are brought forward, secured with a few wraps of thread, then split evenly and tied off on each side.
Thorax:  Same as body.  Picked out.


(1)  With the exception of the thread color this variation is fairly common.
(2)  To measure the legs simply align the tips of the wingcase to the end of the tail or slightly longer. Secure the wingcase to top of the shank in the thorax region and apply dubbing,

#6  Deer Hair Dubbing and Thread Head Hot Spot

Hook:  Hends BL554, Size 12
Weight;  Weight heavily.  I use tungsten sheeting cut into narrow strips and then wrap strip around the shank triple layering the thorax.
Thread: UTC 70, Fl. orange
Tail:  Guard hair from the forehead of the hare's mask, natural
Ribbing:  Lagartun,  gold, small oval
Body:  50% natural hare's ear taken from the ear . 15% black or dark brown deer hair.  15% tan deer hair, 10% Sybai Fine Flash, ultravoilet and 10% Ice Dubbing, orange mixed thoroughly.
Wingcase:  Ozark Oak mottled turkey
Thorax:  Same as body.  Picked out.


(1)  Deer hair is a very under-utilized and buggy dubbing material, but tough to dub by itself   Excellent movement when wet!
(2)  This variation doesn't represent anything specific (maybe cased caddis), but it must look like food to the fish!  I definitely recommend tying a few for your box.
(3)  Try different color combinations, but match thread color and Ice Dubbing or Sybai's Fine Flash.  Chartreuse, fl. pink, fl fire orange and yellow are good change-ups.
(4)  Black or coffee color tungsten beads are very effective.  Complete with a small amount of dark deer hair picked out for legs (or hackle).  Thread color becomes the hot spot behind the bead.

Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear. Hends Hooks, Deer Hair Dubbing, Lagartun Tinsels, Hare's Mack, Ice Dubbing

Sunday, April 2, 2017

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear: #3 And #4

50 Shades Of Hare's Ear

#3  Adding ultraviolet to the hare's ear

Hook:  Hends BL554, Size 12
Weight;  To suit
Thread: UTC 70, brown
Tail:  Guard hair from the forehead of the hare's mask
Ribbing:  Lagartun,  gold, small oval
Body:  Natural hare's ear taken from the ear mixed with a small amount of Sybai's Fine Flash, Ultravoilet
Wingcase:  Pheasant tail fibers, Natural
Thorax:  Same as body.  Picked out.


(1)  I find this variation more effective if the ultravoilet is used sparingly when tying.
(2)  Consider using this pattern on dark days or periods of low light.  

Ultraviolet Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear, Hends Hooks, Lagartun Tinsel, Hare's Mask, UTC Thread

#4  Adding highlights and color

Hook:  Hends 554, Size 12
Weight;  To Suit
Thread: UTC 70, Brown
Tail:  Guard hair from the fore head of the hare's mask, dyed brown
Ribbing:  Lagartun. gold, small oval
Body:  Dark, spikey hare's ear taken from the ear mixed with a small amount of Sybai's Fine Flash, Fiery Brown
Wingcase:  Ozark Oak mottled turkey tail
Thorax:  Same as body.  Picked out.


(1)  The combination of dark, spikey hare's ear and fiery brown Fine Flash proves to be a great all around winner for March Brown , Western Green Drake and Baetis nymphs in my home waters of Northern California.
(2)  Do I dare mention a good pellet fly imitation?

Fiery Borwn Gold Ribbed Hare's Ear, Hends Hooks, Lagartun Tinsel, Hare's Mask, UTC Thread